Snow clearance services
Gritting Works provides professional snow clearance services to a range of customers across our service area with no sub-contracting.
(Photo is of completed work)
The professional snow clearance company
Gritting works is one of the few firms able to provide mechanised snow clearance services to it's customers in Essex, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Delivered in-house through our own vehicles and staff without the need to rely on sub-contractors we have built a reliable service designed to be there for our customers when needed the most.
We will always put our contract and pay per visit gritting customers first and will not normally undertake ad-hoc work when it does snow.

December 2022 and our service area was hit by snow with most areas receiving 5-10cm with some going 10+. Whilst this is not lots when compared to other parts of the country it was enough to create some chaos on the roads.
We received over 30 enquiries a day for 4 days due to the snow and low temperatures creating ice risks across all our service area. As always we don't take on ad-hoc work during severe weather, to make sure your premises are looked after by the winter specialists speak to us in advance.

"We were offered a competitive price and outstanding service for the snow clearing and gritting of our commercial car park and walk ways. On the morning after a snowy 24hrs, all our customers were amazed when arriving to work to find a clear and safe car park area”
Any surface capability
With a constant and steady investment in new snow clearance equipment we have the ability to deal with any type of surface where snow ploughs may not be the answer.
Our rotating sweeper brush is used on sensitive surfaces where snow ploughs may cause damage such as the aviation sector or bridges.
We lend our snow clearance experience into every customer to make sure your premises is protected from the weather.

Contact us about snow clearance

The image to the left was taken at one of our sites in Dunmow and provides a great example of how our snow clearance services keeps sites usable during adverse weather. During the night the premises had received snow which was ploughed and then gritted to maintain access to the care home.
Despite the snow continuing over night, the next morning (when the picture was taken) the driveway up a steep hill was still clear and usable.
Contact us to find out more about our snow clearance services.